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Chiropractic and rehabilitation services with sports specialty


Chiropractic is the diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. The most common causes of nerve, joint and muscle injuries in the general population are the repetitive, poor patterns of posture and work. Our chiropractors use hands-on adjustments and soft-tissue techniques to optimize joint, muscle and other soft-tissue function. Rehabilitative exercises further help to reinforce correct posture and muscle function. This prepares you to meet the physical challenges at work and sport with the goal of regaining full, pain-free movement and function as well as prevent future episodes.



Sports Medicine

Sport Medicine physicians have specialized training and skills that position them to be caregivers for active patients of all ages, under certification from the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM)

Because Sport Medicine specialists are medical doctors licensed in Ontario, all essential medical services are covered under the provincial Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for those that have valid provincial health insurance in Ontario.


Duralane injection and Cortisone steroid injections are performed by our physician in-office for chronic conditions such as Osteoarthritis and Frozen shoulder.


In sports, injury is almost inevitable. It can be a result of overuse of certain muscles and joints, bad training or form, or an unlucky collision.


Rehabilitation of an injured athlete requires careful assessment and subsequent correction of the athlete's deficits. At Durham Sports Centres, our sport specialist chiropractors are specially trained to diagnose the injury, identify its cause and prevent further injuries. Rehabilitation programs at the clinic may include strengthening, stretching, motor re-programming, core training, and balance or proprioceptive training. Each rehabilitation program is individualized to the athlete's need and includes functional and sport-specific activities to get our athletes back to play quickly, but safely. We will consistently use interprofessional collaboration with doctors, coaches, and trainers to ensure an appropriate guided return to play.


Massage Therapy

A massage therapist is trained to assess and treat soft tissues of the body such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and connective tissue. In the case of injury, either from trauma, accidents or surgery, or repetitive strain such as poor posture, a massage therapist will physically stretches muscles, inhibit muscle spasm, increase range of motion of joints and help break down scar tissue. Once a pattern of muscle dysfunction is assessed and treated, a massage therapist provides advice and tools such as specific exercises and stretches to lessen or eliminate the soft tissue problem.



Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body. In Chinese Medicine, acupuncture points are situated on meridians located throughout the body and specific points are chosen based on their ability to correct an imbalance in the body's Qi or life force that flows through these meridians. Acupuncture points can also be chosen based on the location of an injury such as those points around a sprained ankle, or for a headache. Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to help with pain and inflammation.

Dry needling is a technique used to stimulate healing in chronic soft tissue conditions like tendinopathy.


On-line Diagnostic image interpretation

New users: Register for service

Upload files for image interpretation

This service allows doctors to obtain a reading of X-ray, CT scan or MRI, by a chiropractic radiologist.

A diagnostic imaging report will be available 2-3 business days following the submission of the imaging. Films or Image CD should be submitted to the clinic. A report will be emailed back to you in 2-3 days.

Reading Fees

There is an additional charge for more views; $45.00 for CT or MRI. The report will be faxed to the chiropractor; films and CDs should be picked up or returned by courier.



Shockwave is a non-invasive, non-surgical option for difficult or chronic conditions. It uses soundwave technology to stimulate poorly healing tissues renewing the recovery phase. In combination with specific prescribed exercises, shockwave therapy has shown to be effective in treating persistent conditions such as Tendinopathy or Tendinosis like in the rotator cuff and patellar tendons, and Plantar fascia.

It is also used for Achilles tendinopathy, Tennis elbow, Jumper's knee, and Calcific tendonitis.



Great Living with Arthritis in Denmark

The GLAD Program is an exercise program for Osteoarthritis based on research originating in Denmark. Through GLADCanada and Bone and Joint Canada, our chiropractors have been certified to administer the 6 week program on site.

The program follows the most up-to-date research regarding effective treatment of Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. This program consists of two sessions of education and training in osteoarthritis and exercise and includes baseline data collection.

Your information can be added to an international data registry and contribute to further research in Osteoarthritis. Following these two sessions are 1-hour supervised exercise sessions in our facility.
